Amber Cody
Hi I’m Amber, mother of two sons, Willy a current butterfly, and Woody a former co-op butterfly.
I am a homemaker.
My hobbies are gardening, playing with our friends, and eating burritos at the beach.
If you laugh a lot as you get older, your wrinkles will be in the right place!
Daryn Fillis
VP of Fundraising
I am a Certified Mortgage Advisor.
My hobbies are cooking, bicycling, and golf.
Parenthood is a journey filled with boundless blessings and responsibilities. As we experience the world through our children’s eyes, we discover the true meaning of life and embrace the privilege of guiding them into the future.
Brooke Knight
VP of Membership
Hi I’m Brooke, mother of two sons, Charlie a current butterfly, and William a former caterpillar & butterfly
I am the Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Honest History Co.
My hobbies are Reading, writing, sewing, running, and failed attempts at sourdough.
Christin Herrera
Peter Torrey
Hi I’m Peter, father of two daughters, Freya a current butterfly, and Eliza a future caterpillar.
I am a researcher at Riot Games.
My hobbies are bad sci fi across all mediums (TV, books, and video games), attempting (and sometime succeeding at) home repairs, and collecting board games.
I once ate a hot dog covered in candy corn. It was not good!